L.E.A.D (Leader Enrichment and Development) is an opportunity for GSWESTOK volunteers, both new and experienced, to hear the latest news about what’s happening in Girl Scouting, build leadership skills, and see familiar faces. L.E.A.D will kick off Friday evening with the Reconnection to Our Mission event at Camp Trivera. Saturday morning starts our breakout sessions where you will receive great training vital to a successful Girl Scouting experience.
Cost for both Friday and Saturday -$50
Cost for Saturday- only $25
Grants may be available for your area; watch your email for details! Service Unit Incentive Cards may be used as payment.
Friday, September 23rd-Reconnecting to Our Mission!
Join us for an overnight stay at Camp Trivera as we kick off our new membership year and reconnect to our mission! Our fun filled evening will include an Investiture/Rededication Ceremony, games, getting crafty, Campfire with camp songs and S’Mores! To get your 2022 L.E.A.D. pin you must be present Friday night for the ceremony.
Saturday, September 24th-Together Again!
This event is for both new and experienced Troop Volunteers. We will come together for a day of training to help make your Girl Scouting year a successful experience. Schedule of sessions being offered coming soon!