Global Awareness Team presents Full Steam Ahead: Texas

All Aboard!! Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors, come jump on board the Heartland Flyer with the Global Awareness Team and head off for a fun adventure in Texas!!
Where will we go you might ask? Well, that is up to YOU!! Choose between Dallas, Ft. Worth, Waco, Austin or San Antonio. Girls and chaperones will have meetings where they will plan the trip from start to finish! They will pick the destination(s), activities, meals and more! Girls will learn skills such as teamwork, compromising, budgeting, organization, planning and so much more!
- $50 non-refundable deposit to secure your spot
The exact price will also be determined at a later date as the length of trip and other factors are decided. The full cost of the trip will be decided by the girls at the first meeting. This could range between $500-$800 depending on what the girls decide to do.
This trip is for girls grades 6 & up only along with pre-approved chaperones that are members of the Global Awareness Team.